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The dark elves are considered to be the most advanced race of Amestria, possessing more technology then anyone else. This statement is partially true, the dark elves have the most advanced society and possess the most advancements that were not inspired by magic. However they are outmatched when magic is involved. The global understanding and progression of magic and it's applications across Amestria is greater than the dark elves' understanding of non-magic based technology, and with their inability to properly wield magic fall short of the other races in terms of strength.

Revision as of 05:55, 3 February 2019

Physical Characteristics

Dark elves are the strongest eleven subrace, capable of performing feats of strength similar to that of a human. They have exclusively grey skin and white hair. Their eye color is predominantly green but may also be blue, purple, magenta, and very rarely amber in color. Dark elves have the shortest lifespan of all the eleven subraces, at a mere 280 years. They have great eyesight, being able to see in darker environments then their elven kin. They tend to be vulnerable to cold temperatures, making them far more likely to die of hypothermia and far sooner then most other races. Despite their strength, they lack in the agility and precise motor control that their kin are known for. They recover from injuries at a faster rate then their elven kin, but not as quickly as humans do. Like all elves, their metabolism and physiology ensures they will never accumulate body fat, however this has the downside of them not being able to go without foood for long lengths of time, 14 days without any food is deadly.

Mental Characteristics

The dark elves are very expressive and energetic, which is the opposite of their reserved and solitary elven kin. Everything comes from their heart, and they love to express their individuality in every possible way. Dark elves could be considered more vain and in many cases more proud then their elven kin and even humans due to their expressive nature. Dark elves are highly intelligent and able to easily solve problems that other races would find excessively difficult, but lack the proficiency to properly channel magic rendering them almost incapable of using any magic at all. The dark elves think materialisticly by nature which has contributed towards their affinity with technology. The dark elves form and maintain very strong empathetic bonds with those close to them which reinforce their cohesion.



Dark elven society is best described as expressive and progressive. New discoveries are quick to be implemented reguardless of how small or large they were. This has resulted in their society evolving at a far greater rate than the other races. Dark elves are highly dependent on their society and have a very difficult time adapting to other cultures. They are highly expressive, everything they make or do has their individuality or culture imbued into it. They find purely functional objects or methods to be dull and distasteful. This mindset has resulted in the most elaborate collection of art, surpassing that of any other race. They also have the largest collection of social mannerisms of any race, possessing more dances, ways to say hello, and courtship rituals then any race. They make excessive use of laws and rules, and constantly struggle to balance regulations with freedom to express themselves.







The dark elves are considered to be the most advanced race of Amestria, possessing more technology then anyone else. This statement is partially true, the dark elves have the most advanced society and possess the most advancements that were not inspired by magic. However they are outmatched when magic is involved. The global understanding and progression of magic and it's applications across Amestria is greater than the dark elves' understanding of non-magic based technology, and with their inability to properly wield magic fall short of the other races in terms of strength.

