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==Minor Vampires==
==Minor Vampires==
Minor vampires are not sensitive to sunlight, however they are also not sensitive to magic. They will possess the same physical appearance as their non-vampiric lineage(human, elven, or a mix), but will exclusively have red eyes and fangs. They can live twice as long as their non-vampiric lineage, if they are mixed then average the two total lifespans then double. If they are purely of a human descent they will age just like a human, but across their enhanced lifespan. If they are of elven descent, they will not age until the specified time their elven heritage starts to age. Their healing is above average compared to humans, but they cannot regrow lost limbs or organs. It usually takes a minor vampire a week to heal a severe wound. Minor vampires with a blood purity above 20% are stable and will not slowly descend into madness, but will still experience moments of powerful blood lust which they cannot control. If a vampire happens to be unfortunate enough to have a blood purity of 20% or below but also above 5% then they will slowly decline into madness. It starts with increased instances of blood lust, and slowly devolves into the victim becoming fully driven by their blood lust and unable to reason. Their appearance will become more beast like as they devolve, often sporting larger fangs, horns, and fingernails evolving into sharp claws. They usually proceed to drink the blood of anyone in their vicinity without logic until they are killed. If a minor vampire with 20% blood purity drinks the blood of a pureblood before they descend into madness, they will obtain a blood purity of 21% and will not descend into madness but will be bound to the will of the pureblood who gave them blood. When a minor vampire dies, their body will slowly decay into brown dust. Minor vampires are not necessarily nocturnal but may feel urges to be awake and active at night.
Minor vampires are not sensitive to sunlight, however they are also not sensitive to magic. They will possess the same physical appearance as their non-vampiric lineage(human, elven, or a mix), but will exclusively have red eyes and fangs. They can live twice as long as their non-vampiric lineage, if they are mixed then average the two total lifespans then double. If they are purely of a human descent they will age just like a human, but across their enhanced lifespan. If they are of elven descent, they will not age until the specified time their elven heritage starts to age. Their healing is above average compared to humans, but they cannot regrow lost limbs or organs. It usually takes a minor vampire a week to heal a severe wound. Minor vampires with a blood purity above 20% are stable and will not slowly descend into madness, but will still experience moments of powerful blood lust which they cannot control. If a vampire happens to be unfortunate enough to have a blood purity of 20% or below but also above 5% then they will slowly decline into madness. It starts with increased instances of blood lust, and slowly devolves into the victim becoming fully driven by their blood lust and unable to reason. Their appearance will become more beast like as they devolve, often sporting larger fangs, horns, and fingernails evolving into sharp claws. They usually proceed to drink the blood of anyone in their vicinity without logic until they are killed. If a minor vampire with 20% blood purity drinks the blood of a pureblood before they descend into madness, they will obtain a blood purity of 21% and will not descend into madness but will be bound to the will of the pureblood who gave them blood. When a minor vampire dies, their body will slowly decay into brownish grey dust. Minor vampires are not necessarily nocturnal but may feel urges to be awake and active at night.
=Vampiric Blood=
=Vampiric Blood=

Revision as of 20:35, 3 February 2019

Physical Characteristics

The physical characteristics of vampires differ depending on the class of vampire involved. Vampires that are high on the blood purity spectrum possess extraordinary abilities while those who have lesser purity are less powerful. Vampires cannot cast magic of any kind aside from a few rare exceptions. In fact, aetherial energy actually weakens them. Sunlight is one of the primary sources of aetherial energy, and it agitates vampires and makes them experience great discomfort. It's not the light that harms them, but the aetherial energy that accompanies direct exposure to the sun. Over many centuries of hiding from the light, vampires have developed superior night vision.

Pureblood Vampires

Pureblood vampires have the same physical appearance as a human, except they will always possess red eyes and fangs. They will always have a body that is highly attractive to humans(not necessarily elves), as their basic survival depends on their ability to drink human blood. They also constantly excrete a pheromone from their skin that causes humans to be attracted to them(the effect is greatly reduced on elves). Pureblood vampires are immortal and once reaching full maturity at age 20 will never visually age. They possess extreme strength that exceeds all other races, and also possess telekinetic powers. They can almost instantly heal any wound (30 seconds or less), and regrow any limb or organ. Their memory is also stored in their vampiric blood therefore a strike to their brain will not cause them to lose any memories. They can transform into animals and even mimic the appearance of a specific human for a limited time at the expense of their stamina. Pureblood vampires have very good control over their blood lust and will usually only lose control if they are exceptionally thirsty. Pureblood vampires can only drink human blood and the blood of another pureblood vampire, and will not be able to sustain themselves on any other kind of blood including elven blood. Drinking the blood of a different pureblood with a different lineage will increase the power of the pureblood vampire whom drinks the blood(limited gains per different pureblood). When a pureblood vampire dies their body will decay over time into silver dust. Pureblood vampires are exclusively nocturnal and will almost never be present in the daytime.

Noble Vampires

Noble vampires look no different from humans, and like their pureblood overlords will always have an attractive body capable of luring humans. They also constantly excrete a pheromone from their skin that causes either humans or elves(depending on their non-vampiric heritage) to be attracted to them(the effect is greatly reduced towards humans or elves if their blood is not present in the lineage). Noble vampires enjoy lifespans that are ten times as long as their non-vampiric lineage if they are descended from humans, and four times as long if they are descended from elves. If they have a mixed lineage(human and elf) their total lifespan is averaged between their human and elven origins. Noble vampires of human descent will age from 20 - 800 as a human would 20 - 80. Noble vampires of mixed or elven descent will not age past 20 until the last 200 years of their life. They possess superior strength to humans, but are no where near as strong as pureblood vampires. They share similar levels of intelligence compared to their non-vampiric lineage(either humans or elves, or both). A noble vampire's physical appearance will reflect their non-vampiric lineage and if its a human-elf mix they will reflect the visual traits of the half breed in question. They will always have red eyes and fangs however. Noble vampires have more control over their blood lust than minor vampires, but are still not as proficient as pureblood vampires. Noble vampires are capable of performing basic elemental magic, however it is very limited and the element they can use is limited to one which is randomly chosen at birth. Noble vampires can heal wounds much faster then a human, but no where near as fast as a pureblood vampire. A severe wound usually takes a day or two to heal. They also cannot regrow lost limbs and organs. Noble vampires are affected by sunlight but not to the same extent as pureblood vampires. Noble vampires have an affinity for the non-vampiric blood their lineage mainly consists of, in the case on a human-elven mix they are equally attracted to both kinds of blood. When a noble vampire dies, their body will decay over time into grey dust. Noble vampires are almost always nocturnal but may also be active during the same hours as humans or elves if they live among them in secret, they will wear clothing to block direct contact with the sun if they are present during the day.

Minor Vampires

Minor vampires are not sensitive to sunlight, however they are also not sensitive to magic. They will possess the same physical appearance as their non-vampiric lineage(human, elven, or a mix), but will exclusively have red eyes and fangs. They can live twice as long as their non-vampiric lineage, if they are mixed then average the two total lifespans then double. If they are purely of a human descent they will age just like a human, but across their enhanced lifespan. If they are of elven descent, they will not age until the specified time their elven heritage starts to age. Their healing is above average compared to humans, but they cannot regrow lost limbs or organs. It usually takes a minor vampire a week to heal a severe wound. Minor vampires with a blood purity above 20% are stable and will not slowly descend into madness, but will still experience moments of powerful blood lust which they cannot control. If a vampire happens to be unfortunate enough to have a blood purity of 20% or below but also above 5% then they will slowly decline into madness. It starts with increased instances of blood lust, and slowly devolves into the victim becoming fully driven by their blood lust and unable to reason. Their appearance will become more beast like as they devolve, often sporting larger fangs, horns, and fingernails evolving into sharp claws. They usually proceed to drink the blood of anyone in their vicinity without logic until they are killed. If a minor vampire with 20% blood purity drinks the blood of a pureblood before they descend into madness, they will obtain a blood purity of 21% and will not descend into madness but will be bound to the will of the pureblood who gave them blood. When a minor vampire dies, their body will slowly decay into brownish grey dust. Minor vampires are not necessarily nocturnal but may feel urges to be awake and active at night.

Vampiric Blood

The blood of a vampire is a major part of their society and almost everything revolves around it. Depending on their blood purity, vampires are classified differently.

Vampire Classifications

Any vampire with a blood purity of 99% or less is considered a lesser vampire, here is the hierarchy of blood purity and associated vampire classes.

  • Pureblood Vampire - Any vampire with a blood purity of 100%, once a lineage has descended from 100% it is not possible to achieve it again. For this reason many pureblood vampires only procreate with other purebloods.
  • Noble Vampire - Any vampire with a blood purity between 99% and 50%, nobles intermarry with other nobles or purebloods to avoid losing their lineage's noble status.
  • Minor Vampire - Any vampire with a blood purity between 49% and 5%, almost all lineages in this class have very distant non-vampire descendants. This is due to the fact that a vampire and human pairing could result in their child having a blood purity below 20% and going insane(for this reason it is taboo for a minor vampire to marry a human).
  • False Vampire - A human or elf who has 5% vampiric blood purity or less(except 0%). Depending on blood purity, the individual may have red eyes and see better in the dark.
  • Non-Vampire - A human or elf who has effectively 0% vampiric blood purity.

Pureblood Conversion

Pureblood vampires possess the unique ability to convert a human or elf into a vampire by biting them, no lesser vampire can do this. The transformation into a minor vampire is nothing but pure pain and suffering, and has a 50% chance to kill the victim. Upon successful conversion, if the victim does not drink the blood of a pureblood within 60 days of becoming a vampire they will slowly descend into madness.

Effect on Non-Vampires

If a non-vampire drinks the blood of a pureblood vampire, they will have greatly accelerated healing for a short time and will not be turned into a vampire. If a non-vampire drinks the blood of a vampire with a blood purity between 99% and 5% they will either become very sick or die depending on how pure the blood is(99% is lethal). Vampires can freely drink each other's blood with no side effects or changes and this blood is just as effective as drinking their preferred blood type. The exception is pureblood vampires, who can only drink the blood of a human or other purebloods. If a pureblood drinks the blood of anyone else it will taste bad or even cause minor nausea.

Calculating Blood Purity

Blood purity is calculated by averaging the blood purity of the two parents of the offspring. The offspring of a pureblood vampire(100%) and a human(0%) will result in a blood purity of 50%. Likewise a vampire with 60% blood purity and a vampire with 20% blood purity will result in the offspring having a blood purity of 40%. The formula is: (p1+p2)/2=c where p1 equals parent one blood purity and p2 equals parent two blood purity and c equals the child.

Mental Characteristics

Vampires have a compulsive lust to drink blood, the mere sight of the color red is enough to make them feel this strong thirst. They also are egotistical and proud by nature and have a strong desire to accumulate physical wealth and power. They tend to acknowledge those who are stronger then them and will form social hierarchies with the strong having higher standing then the weak. Pureblood vampires have above average intelligence, this does not apply to lesser vampires however.



Vampiric society is strictly ordered based on how strong each individual is. This directly translates into blood purity, with pureblood vampires reigning over noble vampires, which in turn reign over minor vampires. Blood purity directly equates into status and power, which is directly used to leverage the rest of the vampiric population. Vampires often operate in the shadows of human and elven nations forming networks of communication and hierarchy that their host civilization does not know about. The leaders of these networks are almost exclusively the strongest vampires residing in the area or their subordinates. Aristocracy is very important to vampiric society and is strictly enforced. There are specific customs for each level of their society, mainly to uphold the status and image of those higher on the social ladder.



Crimson Affection

Blood is very important to vampiric society, and anything associated with it has a special meaning. Most vampire's favorite color is indeed red. And their color of choice for architecture, art, and clothing is red. Indeed even their melodies and songs with lyrics are usually about the consumption of blood, or being withheld thereof. Depending on the circumstances of the situation, a vampire allowing another vampire to drink their blood is considered a sign of favor or respect. If a vampire demands drinking the blood of another vampire, they are practically demanding the vampire in question to submit to them. Close family members will drink each other's blood as a sign of affection, and if a relative visits another relative's household, the head of the household is obliged to offer them their blood if they are of equal or lesser social status then the visitor. Blood is often stored and then served in a wine glass during social gatherings. The quality of the blood dictates how much the host respects their party. During a wedding ceremony, the groom and bride will drink each other's blood instead of kissing as a symbol of unification.

Vampiric Customs

Purebloods used to not care about the suffering of their human victims(via vampiric conversion), but then a tradition of extracting the blood from a victim into a glass then drinking it was considered higher class. Now days, all pureblood vampires follow this tradition as it is a sign of status and maintains their position at the top of vampire society. Lesser vampires who care about their social status also follow this tradition, but will otherwise not bother. This tradition is mainly practiced between pureblood and noble vampires, it is almost unheard of and considered disrespectful for a minor vampire to follow this practice.

Lesser vampires are expected to follow any command a pureblood gives them. Most lesser vampires are under the authority of a pureblood vampire and may only take orders from them, but vampires with no allegiances are expected to answer to any pureblood vampire. Disrespecting the wishes of a pureblood will usually result in the victim being exterminated by vampire society.

It is common courtesy for a household to offer any visitors a glass of blood. Failure to do so is considered a sign of disrespect, the level of disrespect is greater with higher status visitors. For this reason, a stockpile of blood is always kept in middle class and upper class households. Lower class households do not follow this custom.

It is customary for vampiric lineages to retain the last name of their original pureblood ancestor. All lesser vampire lineages originate from a pureblood ancestor and usually take on the ancestor's last name. Pureblood lineages either take on the last name of their original patriarchal pureblood ancestor or may possess a splinter lineage. A splinter lineage originates from one of the original pureblood ancestors but one of the latter descendants have changed the lineage name to reflect a new identity unique to them.





