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Pronunciation Fair-ie
Archetype Aetherial
Nicknames Living Spells, Anomalies, Shapeshifters
Languages Aetherial
Vampiric Conversion Not Possible
Aetherial Affinity Class S - Naturally Casts Magic
Roleplay Difficulty Very Hard
Racial Traits
Aetheriality Aetherial
Max Age Ageless
Strengths Polymorphic, Flight, Immortality
Weaknesses Aether Dependent, Corruptible
Height Limited by Form
Weight Limited by Form
Eye Colors Can Have any Eye Color
Hair Colors Can Have any Hair Color
Skin Tones Can Have any Skin Color
Average Physique Limited by Form
Aetherial Limit Power II - Control VIII
Significant Demographics

While this doesn't mean your character has to come from one of these places, it's recommended they do.

  • Natural Environments

Physical Characteristics

Fairies are purely aetherial and do not possess a physical body, however when they materialize they do have a solid structure allowing them to interact with the environment and vice versa. They are able to take the form of any race, even animals. They normally appear as small winged humanoids that resemble elves, however they may look different if they are partial to a race they have interacted with often. In the case of humans a fairy can appear just like one, however they will always appear as exceptionally cute, beautiful, or handsome. Fairies do not have gender and instead shape their gender appearance based on their personality. They can also fly, as long as there is sufficient energy in the aetherial field. A fairy will quickly cease to exist if they stay in areas with no aetherial energy for too long. Fairies are also effectively immortal, their life is maintained as long as they avoid death from aether depletion or corruption.

Mental Characteristics

Fairies are very empathetic and care deeply about others. They almost always go out of their way to aid people in need, and have an innate desire to make others happy. They can easily become attached to people or animals that they spend a lot of time with due to their deep empathy for others. They are fully devoted to the goodness of all and have a natural dislike of war and violence, mostly refusing to participate in any conflicts unless someone they care about is in danger. They are perceived by others to be highly intelligent, but this is a misconception. They possess an intelligence similar to that of a human, but they are capable of reaching conclusions and solving problems that require greater intelligence when given sufficient amount of time to process the situation. The slower they respond, the more intelligent their response can be. Despite lacking a physical body, some fairies can have a strong desire to seek intimate relationships, likely a feature built into them by their creators.

Aetherial Characteristics

Fairies are best described as living spells. They are a collection of interwoven spells that interact to form a complete being. Since fairies are purely aetherial by nature, they can merge with physical objects and manipulate their physical nature, often increasing their effectiveness. They may also merge with living beings to enhance their power, but this can rapidly drain them and the beings they merge with. When merged, the fairy and being in question will share memories, thoughts, and feelings making it a very intimate experience. Although fairies are technically just sentient spells, they cannot be dispelled like normal spells due to having built in resistance to external spells. A powerful enough dispel could in theory effectively work against a fairy if the spell is properly attuned and of sufficient power. Fairies can be sealed or bound to objects by strong and intricate magic, they will still be able to materialize outside the object but will be limited to how far they can travel away from their binding object. They will often carry the binding object with them to allow mobility. Fairies are fully aware of every minute disturbance in the aetherial field, and will easily detect any changes. They are not physically hyper-sensitive to the aetherial field like the kitsune. They can cast the most intricate spells of any sentient being but are limited to the weakest spell strength.

Chaotic Corruption

If a fairy is exposed to small doses of chaotic aether, they can resist it. Exposure to large doses of chaotic aether will rapidly transform the fairy into a dark fairy. If chaotic aether is woven into a spell, it can infect a fairy and slowly turn them into a dark fairy. Dark fairies are just like normal fairies, but their nature has become a scrambled mess due to chaotic aether. They are unpredictable and dangerous, loving someone one minute but then hating them and trying to kill them the next. As they degrade further into chaos, they will possess darker colors and more distorted features that can vary wildly to that of normal fairies. Their magic also becomes chaotic, often they will not know what they will end up casting due to chaotic aether interference. They will slowly degrade into more chaotic states until they eventually become a semi-sentient aetherial monster. Their corrupted essence can also corrupt other fairies that come in direct contact with them or their magic.


All fairies were created by Celestial Fairies a very long time ago. Many fairies do not even remember being created, only knowing the environment they have existed in for many millennia.


Fairies have never formed an actual society like the physical races have, instead adapting to the environment they are a part of. Fairies that live in the forest tend to adapt a very friendly and pleasant persona, while fairies that reside in desert, tundra, arctic or desolate regions tend to have rougher personalities however they will still care about others. Fairies that live in a jungle tend to very sociable and have wild personalities. Fairies that live in marshes or swamps then to be very laid back and solitary. Fairies that live in cities tend to vibrantly reflect the culture that they are a part of. In all cases, fairies are vibrant representations of the environment they live in. They can shift in characteristics if they live in a new area for a long amount of time.


Fairies have remained uninvolved in politics between nations. They see no need to get involved the the bigger picture.


Fairies do not have any culture as they always tend to integrate into the culture they live in. This extends to natural landscapes having a specific culture to them, resulting in some very odd and exotic personas among fairies.


Fairies do not possess any religion and instead tend to embrace simple values that further their desire towards being empathetic with others. Some fairies will cling very strongly to their basic values, and will often try to convince others to embrace them also.


Fairies despise conflict, and almost never fight against anyone else. They are known to join arms against great evil, and this has saved the physical races of Amestria many times in the past. Fairies are most commonly used as weapons against their will, being bound to objects or in rare cases people to enhance their power.


Fairies do not care about the progression of technology and therefore are not responsible for any breakthroughs or discoveries at any point in history. Some possess extensive knowledge of magic and it's application, this is primarily true for fairies that participate in magic academies in the various empires that embrace magic.


  • Dark Fairies are fairies who have been exposed to chaotic aether and are slowly being distorted into a chaotic semi-sentient being.
  • Evil Fairies are exactly the same as normal fairies, except they lack empathy and desire the destruction of all sentient life. They were created by Ragnaroth and serve him to this day.


  • Lesser Fairies are half fairies that are partially physical and partially aetherial. Their characteristics are determined by the race they are half of.

Assorted Info

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