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The Kitsune are best described as humans with the addition of several large tails, fox ears, and a particular sensitivity to magic. As a semi-aetherial being, Kitsune are a particularly interesting race. They are characterized by their primal desires and intricate and peculiar culture. They are not very numerous however, and most people of Amestria will live their lives never seeing one of these magnificent beings.

Physical Characteristics

Kitsune are very similar to the humans that they were based upon, however their aetherial soul has caused various aspects of their physiology to reflect their aetherial nature. They have standard human skin, hair, and eye colors, but will also have up to nine tails, and fox ears instead of human ears that will be the same color as their hair. They also have slitted eyes, complete with fantastic night vision. They have a naturally athletic body, and their high metabolism makes it almost impossible for them to gain excessive weight. They also have exceptional agility, having faster reaction times and more precise reflexes then humans. Their ears are very sensitive to sound, allowing them to hear things at great distances or even underground. Some kitsune may sport whiskers like what a fox would have. They are extremely sensitive to aether, more so then any other race. This sensitivity comes from the unnatural nature of their half aetherial soul and human body. They can live up to 120 years, and reach maturity at 18 years old. Kitsune will retain their natural youth and beauty a lot longer then a regular human. Kitsune children do not have any tails until they reach five years old, after which they will get their first tail. They will get a tail every 5 years until they are 45 years old, receiving their ninth tail. A tail will grow in a matter of a few days, it's growth being accelerated the their aetherial soul. Kitsune require a constant intake of ambient aether to survive, their body may require food but their aetherial soul requires aether to continue to exist. If a kitsune is starved of aether they will die. Otherwise, kitsune are far more resistant to diseases then humans.

Mental Characteristics

Despite their similarity to humans physically, kitsune are very different mentally. They alternate between their human and aetherial beast natures. As they were created from aether beasts, one side of them lacks empathy and has very strong primal desires. The other side comes from their human based body and has empathy and compassion. They constantly flip between the two sides, and it is a constant and unending cycle. As a general rule, they will have more control over their primal desires as they obtain more tails. Kitsune are naturally flighty, being very easily frightened and prone to hiding or running from things they are scared of. Just like the aetherial foxes they were created from, they are very clever and have a gift for deception. They are also partial to being playful, creative and in some cases flirtatious. Most kitsune do not like being around large groups of people and prefer to be in close knit social groups or alone.

Primal Desires

The most prominent aspect of a kitsune are their primal desires, which are a major aspect of their personality and character. Primal desires come and go much like emotions, however while the desire is present the kitsune will feel a strong urge to fulfill it. These urges are more controllable as the kitsune gets more tails, but can be very overpowering in the early years of a kitsune's life. The following list contains the most common desires and their associated behavior. As a general rule of thumb for primal desires, they are animistic in nature and are associated with a sub-sentient creature's need to survive.

Primal Desires: (All desires fade after a few hours or a day)

  • Flight - The kitsune will feel a strong desire to flee, usually from the rest of society or an object of fear. Commonly results in ending up far away from any other people.
  • Playful - The kitsune will feel a strong desire to play with another, perhaps even forcibly.
  • Wanting - The kitsune will be compelled to take or grasp a specific object and not relinquish possession of it.
  • Hoarding - The kitsune will be compelled to amass a collection of a particular thing (likely food), and will be very aggressive towards anyone who wants to take from the collection or even get near it.
  • Aggression - The kitsune will feel a strong desire to either fight or avoid the object of aggression, depending on their personality they may want to fight physically or verbally, or simply display cold behavior.
  • Dominance - The kitsune will have a strong desire to assert superiority over others they deem inferior. This may include anything from competitive behavior to all out brawls.
  • Procreation - The kitsune will experience a strong desire to procreate with another individual. This does not involve any mutual empathy and is purely primal lust.
  • Safety - The kitsune will be compelled to hide in an area or space they consider safe and will refuse to leave.
  • Hunting - The kitsune will have a strong desire to stalk a lesser animal and kill it if given the opportunity.
  • Protection - The kitsune will have a strong desire to protect someone close to them or someone in need, and will be very aggressive towards anyone who threatens the safety of the protected individual.


The kitsune were created during the Exodian Empire's golden era. The exodians were known for their mastery of magic and machines, and fused aetherial foxes from the forest with a body of flesh using the human body as a template. This resulted in a being that was of both worlds, and of neither at the same time. The kitsune proved valuable to the exodians, with superior physical senses and hypersensitivity to aether. They were used to detect spells and anomalies that could not be detected by human mages, as well as serve as assassins for various members of the exodian aristocracy. After the collapse of the Exodian Empire, the kitsune were freed from servitude and migrated to regions near present day Haru, Yuudai, and Hayamashi. Those regions were largely unsettled when they first arrived, and they formed primitive villages with a tribal government.









