Stat Modifiers

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Revision as of 17:30, 16 February 2019 by Blanclour (talk | contribs)
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Amestria uses a system of stat modifiers to determine the physical limitations of a character.

Base Stats

Default Values
Strength Intelligence Agility Vitality
20 20 20 20
Maximum Values
Strength Intelligence Agility Vitality
20 20 20 20

Point Allocation

When you create a character you are allowed to allocate 5 points to any stat you deem fit, keep in mind you cannot exceed the point cap.

Racial Modifiers

Some races have special bonuses to the four base stats, if a race isn't listed here they probably have bonuses in other areas. Likewise, races with large bonuses to the base stats likely have weaknesses not listed in this section.


  • +10 Agility