Minor Vampire

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Minor Vampire
Pronunciation My-nor Vam-pie-er
Archetype Vampiric
Nicknames Blood Suckers, Leeches, Parasites
Languages Common
Vampiric Conversion Not Possible
Aetherial Affinity Class F - Cannot Cast Magic
Roleplay Difficulty Hard
Racial Traits
Aetheriality Physical
Max Age 200 to 800 Years
Strengths Great Strength, Above Average Healing, Good Agility
Weaknesses Sunlight, Blood Lust, Enchanted Weapons
Height Varies by Heritage
Weight Varies by Heritage
Eye Colors Red
Hair Colors Varies by Heritage
Skin Tones Varies by Heritage
Average Physique Varies by Heritage
Aetherial Limit Cannot Cast Magic
Significant Demographics

While this doesn't mean your character has to come from one of these places, it's recommended they do.

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For general information regarding vampires, visit the main page vampires.

Physical Characteristics

Minor vampires possess the appearance of their non-vampiric lineage, along with fangs (retractable) and a 50% chance to have red eyes (otherwise defined by non-vampiric lineage). Unlike the vampire castes above them, minor vampires are not sensitive to sunlight and will experience no discomfort being awake during the day. They do have an internal desire to stay awake at night which may lead to nocturnal lifestyles. If their non-vampiric lineage is human they can live up to 200 years, otherwise their maximum age is the same as their non-vampiric lineage. They can heal injuries about 40% faster then normal but this consumes a lot of blood and may cause incredible levels of blood lust. They have little control over their thirst and could experience uncontrollable blood lust just by seeing the color red, smelling an open wound is irresistible to them. They require a normal intake of food and water in addition to blood in order to live, but can go without food and water for twice as long as a non-vampire. When a minor vampire dies their body will slowly decay into sand (7 days).

Vampiric Blood

Minor vampires have a blood purity between 49% and 5% and account for the mass majority of the vampire population in Amestria. If the individual is unfortunate enough to have a blood purity between 20% and 5% they will slowly descend into madness and will lose the ability to resist their blood lust. It will start with more instances of blood lust, and ends with the vampire losing all sense of reason and mindlessly killing and drinking the blood of anyone they cross paths with. Their appearance will become more beast like as they devolve, often sporting larger fangs, horns, and fingernails evolving into sharp claws. If they didn't have red eyes already, they will develop red eyes once they are thoroughly engulfed by madness. The cure to this condition is if the vampire drinks the blood of a pureblood vampire within 60 days of being bitten by one, or before they are three years old. By drinking the blood of a pureblood vampire the vampire will become bound to the pureblood's will and will not be able to refuse their bidding, but will obtain a blood purity of 21% and will not descend into madness.

Mental Characteristics

Minor vampires inherit the mental characteristics of whatever their non-vampiric lineage is.


Minor vampires first originated as the consequence of pureblood vampires hunting humans for blood. These converted minor vampires were usually bound to their pureblood master's will and were used as slaves or servants. As time progressed, descendants of pureblood vampires that had intermarried with humans for more then one generation caused the rise of a new class of lesser vampire. These vampires were not bound to a pureblood vampire's will but also did not have a high blood purity like noble vampires. These vampires usually never marry humans, as their offspring would likely descend into madness from low blood purity.

Assorted Info

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