Exodian Curse

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The exodian curse is a superstitious belief which has its roots in the Post-Exodian era. After the fall of Exodia, many people blamed the catastrophe on the exodian aristocracy's boundless arrogance and greed. The many lives lost during the 'immortality serum' project is a good example of how little they cared of others in the pursuit of their ambitions. What solidified this belief was the red eye mutation which started to appear in newborn children shortly after the destruction of Exodia.

Many have taken red eyes as the sign of a curse, placed upon humanity for trying to achieve godhood. The curse has become synonymous with lust and arrogance, and is often used in human religions as a way of convincing people not to repeat the mistakes of the past. In some cases the curse is an excuse for religions to justify discarding innovative ideas and progressive social policies, for fear that humanity may be lead astray once again. People with red eyes are the tangible proof of the supposed curse, which lead to some people looking upon them as idols of taboo and as such rejected from society. Combined with accusations of being a vampire, which was common in past times, humans born with red eyes are reputed to have terrible fates.

In moderns times these superstitious beliefs are not as targeted towards red eyed humans as they once were, but much of the folklore surrounding them and their supposed terrible fates are still evident in some religions and cultures.