Permission Levels

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Amestria uses permission levels to ensure the highest quality roleplay. Unlike many other servers, some of our races and mechanics are deliberately unbalanced to provide challenge and immersion.

Clearance Levels

Amestria uses several levels of clearance to limit the occurrences of power gaming and abuse of powerful characters. There are five different levels available.

Level 5

This level of clearance is reserved for the highest ranking staff that are directly involved in story progression.

  • Pureblood Vampire - Can use this race in roleplay, great caution is advised to avoid abusing the privilege.
  • Demon Kitsune - Can use this race in roleplay, great caution is advised to avoid abusing the privilege.
  • Class 5 - 7 Spells - Due to how significant the impact of a spell this powerful would be, it has been limited to this clearance only.
  • Omega Spells - Spells this complex carry very extreme implications, great caution is advised.

Level 4

This level of clearance is reserved for staff members, normally only staff involved in story progression or lore production.

  • Demisune - Can use this race in roleplay, caution is advised to avoid abusing the privilege.
  • Class 4 Spells - Limited to this clearance and above.
  • Theta Spells - Spells this complex carry extreme implications, great caution is advised.

Level 3

This level of clearance is for the most trusted members of the Amestria community. Usually obtained by being group oriented, quality roleplay, and most of all trustworthy. This clearance can be very easily lost by misusing the permissions provided, and therefore it is best to consult staff first if you have any doubts.

  • Noble Vampire - Can use this race in roleplay, caution is advised to avoid abusing the privilege.
  • Fairy and Lesser Fairies - Can use this race in roleplay, caution is advised to avoid abusing the privilege.
  • Class 3 Spells - Limited to this clearance and above.
  • Delta and Epsilon Spells - Spells this complex carry major implications, caution is advised.

Level 2

This level of clearance is for people who have submitted a character application and have had it approved. In order to keep this clearance, the person in question is expected to follow the rules and adhere to roleplay regulations as best as they can.

  • Minor Vampire - Can use this race in roleplay, caution is advised to avoid abusing the privilege.
  • Magic - Player must understand the limits of their character and what is acceptable magic in roleplay.
  • Proficiency - Player must understand the limits of their character and their character must be balanced.

Level 1

Everyone has this level of clearance by default, and this level consists of everything that the levels above do not address.