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Pronunciation Fen-neh-koo
Archetype Human
Nicknames Scavengers, Desert Folk
Languages Tierran
Vampiric Conversion Not Possible
Aetherial Affinity Class B - Naturally Casts Magic
Roleplay Difficulty Moderate
Racial Traits
Aetheriality Semi-Aetherial
Max Age 90 Years
Strengths Incredible Agility, Unrivaled Hearing
Weaknesses Aether Reliant, Primal Desires
Height 3'10" to 4'6"
Weight 70 to 90 lbs
Eye Colors Brown, Hazel, Blue, Green, Amber
Hair Colors Tan
Skin Tones Pale to Cream
Average Physique Always Slender
Aetherial Limit Power III - Control VII
Significant Demographics

While this doesn't mean your character has to come from one of these places, it's recommended they do.

The Kitsune are best described as humans with the addition of several large tails, fox ears, and an extreme sensitivity to magic. As a semi-aetherial being, Kitsune are a particularly interesting race. They are characterized by their primal desires and unique culture. Very few in number, most people of Amestria will live their lives never seeing one of these magnificent beings.

Physical Characteristics

Kitsune are very similar to the humans that they were based upon, however their aetherial soul has caused various aspects of their physiology to reflect their aetherial nature. They have standard human skin, hair, and eye colors, but will also have up to nine tails, and fox ears instead of human ears which will be the same color as their hair. They also have slitted eyes, complete with fantastic night vision. They have a naturally athletic body, and their high metabolism makes it almost impossible for them to gain excessive weight. They also have exceptional agility, having faster reaction times and more precise reflexes then humans. Their ears are very sensitive to sound, allowing them to hear things at great distances or even underground. Some kitsune may sport whiskers like what a fox would have. They are extremely sensitive to aether, more so then any other race. This sensitivity comes from the unnatural nature of their half aetherial soul and human body. They can live up to 1000 years, the longest of any non-vampiric race. Kitsune will retain their natural youth and beauty for most of their lives, only visually aging in the last 50 years of their life. Kitsune children don't have any tails until they reach twelve years old, after which they will get their first tail. They will get a tail every 100 years (starting at 200 years old) until they are 900 years old, receiving their ninth tail. A tail will grow in a matter of a day or two, it's growth being accelerated by their aetherial soul. Tails will go from 3 feet long in childhood to 6 feet long in adulthood. Kitsune require a constant intake of ambient aether to survive, their body requires food and water also but their aetherial soul requires aether to continue to exist. If a kitsune is starved of aether they will die. Kitsune are far more resistant to diseases and the natural elements than humans.


There is a variant of kitsune referred to as fenekku, they live in the Tierran Desert and have a very different appearance from normal kitsune. Fenekku have exclusively light tan colored hair and tails, and also sport exceptionally large ears. Such large ears enhances their hearing ability significantly, at the cost of being very vulnerable to the cold. Their average height and size is also significantly less, only ranging from 3'10" to 4'6" tall. Fenekku only get a single tail which grows up to 3 feet long in adulthood. They have a shorter lifespan compared to regular kitsune, only living up to 280 years. They also maintain a lean build, never going above athletic. They are highly adapted towards living in the desert and can go without water for several days, and only need a minimal amount in between. They are also far less sensitive to the aetherial field, making them less useful as magic detectors or as intricate magic casters. This does have the advantage on making them mostly immune to the sensory effects of strong magic near them which would otherwise harm a normal kitsune.

Mental Characteristics

Despite their similarity to humans physically, kitsune are very different mentally. They alternate between their human and aetherial beast natures. As they were created from aether beasts, one side of them lacks empathy and has very strong primal desires. The other side comes from their human based body and has empathy and compassion. They constantly flip between the two sides, and it is a constant and unending cycle. As a general rule, they will have more control over their primal desires as they obtain more tails. Kitsune are naturally flighty, being very easily frightened and prone to hiding or running from things they are scared of. Just like the aetherial foxes they were created from, they are very clever and have a gift for deception. They are also partial to being playful, creative and in some cases flirtatious. Most kitsune do not like being around large groups of people and prefer to be in close knit social groups or alone.

Primal Desires

The most prominent aspect of a kitsune are their primal desires, which are a major part of their personality and character. Primal desires come and go much like emotions, however while the desire is present the kitsune will feel a strong urge to fulfill it. These urges are more controllable as the kitsune gets more tails, but can be very overpowering in the early years of a kitsune's life. The following list contains the most common desires and their associated behavior. As a general rule of thumb for primal desires, they are animalistic in nature and are associated with a sub-sentient creature's need to survive.

Primal Desires: (All desires fade after a few hours or a day)

  • Flight - The kitsune will feel a strong desire to flee, usually from the rest of society or an object of fear. Commonly results in ending up far away from any other people.
  • Playful - The kitsune will feel a strong desire to play with another, perhaps even forcibly.
  • Wanting - The kitsune will be compelled to take or grasp a specific object and not relinquish possession of it.
  • Hoarding - The kitsune will be compelled to amass a collection of a particular thing (likely food), and will be very aggressive towards anyone who wants to take from the collection or even get near it.
  • Aggression - The kitsune will feel a strong desire to either fight or avoid the object of aggression, depending on their personality they may want to fight physically or verbally, or simply display cold behavior.
  • Dominance - The kitsune will have a strong desire to assert superiority over others they deem inferior. This may include anything from competitive behavior to all out brawls.
  • Procreation - The kitsune will experience a strong desire to procreate with another individual. This does not involve any shared feelings and is purely primal lust.
  • Safety - The kitsune will be compelled to hide in an area or space they consider safe and will refuse to leave.
  • Hunting - The kitsune will have a strong desire to stalk a lesser animal and kill it if given the opportunity.
  • Protection - The kitsune will have a strong desire to protect someone close to them or someone in need, and will be very aggressive towards anyone who threatens the safety of the protected individual.


Ancient History

The kitsune were created during the Exodian Empire's golden era. The exodians were known for their mastery of magic and machines, and fused aetherial foxes from the forest with a body of flesh using Humanity as a template. This resulted in a being that was of both worlds, and of neither at the same time. The kitsune proved valuable to the exodians, with superior physical senses and hypersensitivity to aether. Kitsune were a personal favorite of the exodian aristocratic elite, proving to be ideal candidates for elite servants. After the fall of exodian society, the kitsune followed their masters and escaped the cataclysm. They arrived at the Islands of Senkyou through unknown means. Upon arrival, it is believed they killed their former masters and formed their own free society among the islands.

Several small villages would form over the passage of time, and the kitsune population would grow. They developed their own language and cultural traditions during this period, contributing to modern Senkyou culture. Some of these villages would give birth to clans that would grow to a considerable size. The strongest among a clan would be elected as kakenage, and rule over the village they were based in. As kitsune villages grew to a considerable size, the kakenage grew restless for a conflict.

The Clan Wars

An influx of human migrants from an unknown region poured into the Islands of Senkyou, which the kitsune openly accepted them into their ranks. This surge in population was everything the kakenage needed to begin a series of wars. These wars would soon escalate to a period known as the Clan Wars. By the time the clan wars had concluded, almost all kitsune had died in battle. The only remaining kitsune were of the servant caste, in the service of various clans. Being in a domestic role had saved their lives, however they would not be safe from the persecution which would follow.

Feudal Servitude

Kitsune were blamed for starting the clan wars, and now faced harsh treatment as the human populace took revenge on them by way of overworking them or outright executing them. The persecution became so great that many kitsune escaped their life of servitude and fled to small islands in the far north. It was thought that the feudal clans would pursue them, but thanks to a single kitsune, the whole race was saved from extinction. Tenjo Zakushima, known most famously as the strongest and only remaining kitsune in the warrior caste, stepped forward and ended his life to spare all other kitsune from certain death for leaving their masters.

The kitsune population continues to grow very slowly in the small northern islands of Senkyou, their numbers still only a fraction of what they once were. Many kitsune did not escape the various clans of Senkyou, but have since been allowed to live and continue on as servants thanks to the sacrifice made by Tenjo Zakushima. After foreign trade was established in Senkyou by the dwarves in the year 1611 AE, many kitsune ventured to the Exodius Continent in search of a better life. Upon arrival they took up various professions in the human kingdoms of Amestria, however their numbers are so small that most people in Amestria will live their lives never seeing a kitsune unless they happen to be in the right place at the right time.



Kitsune used to be the leaders of all the Senkyou clans, but have since been replaced by human leaders after the former kitsune leaders all died in battle. In modern day Amestria, kitsune do not have any sway over politics, however the final act of Tenjo Zakushima lives on and has protected the kitsune from further harm.



Kitsune are extremely good at sensing the smallest shifts in the aetherial field. Unlike fairies this sense is more physical in nature and has the potential to injure the kitsune if their senses are overwhelmed. Such examples would be large blasts of aetherial energy, and powerful spells which constantly send out powerful pulses. Sudden shifts in the aetherial field could affect the kitsune in less severe ways. Kitsune will experience pain if they try to cast a spell beyond their limits. While they can only cast Power III spells in reality, they can actually try to channel even more aether(unlike other races where their channeling limit is absolute). Unfortunately there is a threshold (after Power III) where the kitsune will start experiencing pain, which quickly progresses to unbearable pain forcing them to drop the spell. Many scholars believe kitsune have the same channeling limit as humanity (Power V), but due to the unbearable pain cannot reach that threshold by any means.


TODO Senkyou religion


The kitsuja of the clan wars era have long since disappeared, but the kitsune's gift in agile combat and subterfuge remains. They excel at tasks which involve high agility or stealth, and are very good at deceiving their opponents. The kitsune which remain in the world today originate from the servant caste, meaning they do not have any combat traditions. The kitsune living on the northern islands of Senkyou have started picking up new combat styles from various samurai which venture into the region. Kitsune which have ventured to the Exodius Continent have picked up the combat techniques of human nations, usually preferring the more agile combat forms.


Kitsune remain largely uninvolved in the modern day amestrian economy, however small villages on the northern islands of Senkyou have had dealings with the dwarves. There has been a particular interest in firearms, a technology largely foreign to the rest of Senkyou.


Kitsune are not known for any inventions so to speak, but they are known for the development of kisugu, a special and unique form of magic. While the art of kisugu has long since been forgotten, the people of Senkyou have not forgotten the kitsune's ingenuity involving the aetherial arts.



A human and kitsune pairing results in children each having a 50% chance to be pure-blooded kitsune, otherwise they will be a pure-blooded human. If the child is a kitsune, then their children will always be kitsune if the other parent is a kitsune. If the child is a human, their children have a 75% chance to be kitsune if the other parent is kitsune. However if both the child and other parent are human, then their children will have a 25% chance each to be kitsune, with each dual human pairing after this halving the chance of a kitsune child. If a kitsune is born to a ninth generation dual human pairing after the initial half pairing, then the child will obtain a tail every 2 years after getting their first tail resulting in all nine tails at age 28 (very rare only happened once). This child would also likely succumb to insanity by receiving too much power at a young age. After the ninth generation of dual human pairings, it is no longer possible to have a kitsune child.

Assorted Info

  • While Exodia created kitsune in volume, they also created a small number of semi-aetherials based on other creatures during their diabolical experimentation.

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