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Pronunciation Fen-neh-koo
Archetype Human
Nicknames Scavengers, Desert Folk
Languages Tierran
Vampiric Conversion Not Possible
Aetherial Affinity Class B - Naturally Casts Magic
Roleplay Difficulty Moderate
Racial Traits
Aetheriality Semi-Aetherial
Max Age 90 Years
Strengths Incredible Agility, Ultimate Hearing
Weaknesses Aether Reliant, Vulnerable to Cold
Height 3'10" to 4'6"
Weight 70 to 90 lbs
Eye Colors Brown, Hazel, Blue, Green, Amber
Hair Colors Tan
Skin Tones Pale to Cream
Average Physique Always Slender
Aetherial Limit Power III - Control VII
Significant Demographics

While this doesn't mean your character has to come from one of these places, it's recommended they do.

Fenekku are perceived by many as just another demi-human variant, but they are in fact a unique creation of the machina city Jeth. Small and nimble, fenekku are very mobile just like their kitsune cousins, however they lack the same semi-aetherial qualities and come with a different set of strengths and weaknesses.

Physical Characteristics

Fenekku are like miniature humans, but with enormous ears and a small 3 foot tail. Their hair and tail color is always tan, however their tail tip and sometimes their ear tips can be dark brown. Fenekku are born with only one tail, and will not gain any more throughout their lifespan. Fenekku eye colors can range between brown, hazel, blue, green, and amber, with their eyes being slitted just like normal foxes. They are always slender with very little excess bulk, and have a height of 3'10" to 4'6". Their enormous ears are capable of picking up the faintest of sounds which all other races and even most animals would not be able to hear, and their ears also serve to dissipate heat. This does come with the downside of making them susceptible to the cold. Their ears are also able to pick up sound frequencies that are beyond the normal range of most races, and can even hear sounds which are a few feet underground. Their high metabolism makes it very hard for them to gain excess weight. Fenekku are highly adapted to life in the desert, and can survive without water far longer than other races. Their body is also adapted to extract every drop of water found in moist foods, making it possible for them to live without drinking any liquid water. A fenekku's lifespan is similar to that of an ordinary human, with most individuals only reaching 90 years of age maximum. They age at a far slower rate than humans, with the oldest individuals of the race only looking slightly more aged then a fenekku in their prime.

Mental Characteristics

Fenekku are almost identical to humans mentally, however they prefer to stick together as a group rather than divide unlike their human analogues. Their enhanced senses tend to influence their thoughts, and their ears and tail usually give a good indication of their current mood and thoughts. Fenekku do not possess primal desires, however they are prone to getting extremely startled by anything which surprises them.

Aetherial Characteristics

Fenekku possess similar physical traits compared to their kitsune cousins, however they lack the same semi-aetherial relationship. They are not hyper-sensitive to the aetherial field, and do not have the special gift of being able to precisely control aether. Despite not having the gifts associated with usually possessing an aetherial soul, fenekku are still susceptible to dying if they are deprived of charged aether in their environment for too long.




Kitsune used to be the leaders of all the Senkyou clans, but have since been replaced by human leaders after the former kitsune leaders all died in battle. In modern day Amestria, kitsune do not have any sway over politics, however the final act of Tenjo Zakushima lives on and has protected the kitsune from further harm.



Kitsune are extremely good at sensing the smallest shifts in the aetherial field. Unlike fairies this sense is more physical in nature and has the potential to injure the kitsune if their senses are overwhelmed. Such examples would be large blasts of aetherial energy, and powerful spells which constantly send out powerful pulses. Sudden shifts in the aetherial field could affect the kitsune in less severe ways. Kitsune will experience pain if they try to cast a spell beyond their limits. While they can only cast Power III spells in reality, they can actually try to channel even more aether(unlike other races where their channeling limit is absolute). Unfortunately there is a threshold (after Power III) where the kitsune will start experiencing pain, which quickly progresses to unbearable pain forcing them to drop the spell. Many scholars believe kitsune have the same channeling limit as humanity (Power V), but due to the unbearable pain cannot reach that threshold by any means.


TODO Senkyou religion


The kitsuja of the clan wars era have long since disappeared, but the kitsune's gift in agile combat and subterfuge remains. They excel at tasks which involve high agility or stealth, and are very good at deceiving their opponents. The kitsune which remain in the world today originate from the servant caste, meaning they do not have any combat traditions. The kitsune living on the northern islands of Senkyou have started picking up new combat styles from various samurai which venture into the region. Kitsune which have ventured to the Exodius Continent have picked up the combat techniques of human nations, usually preferring the more agile combat forms.


Kitsune remain largely uninvolved in the modern day amestrian economy, however small villages on the northern islands of Senkyou have had dealings with the dwarves. There has been a particular interest in firearms, a technology largely foreign to the rest of Senkyou.


Kitsune are not known for any inventions so to speak, but they are known for the development of kisugu, a special and unique form of magic. While the art of kisugu has long since been forgotten, the people of Senkyou have not forgotten the kitsune's ingenuity involving the aetherial arts.



A human and kitsune pairing results in children each having a 50% chance to be pure-blooded kitsune, otherwise they will be a pure-blooded human. If the child is a kitsune, then their children will always be kitsune if the other parent is a kitsune. If the child is a human, their children have a 75% chance to be kitsune if the other parent is kitsune. However if both the child and other parent are human, then their children will have a 25% chance each to be kitsune, with each dual human pairing after this halving the chance of a kitsune child. If a kitsune is born to a ninth generation dual human pairing after the initial half pairing, then the child will obtain a tail every 2 years after getting their first tail resulting in all nine tails at age 28 (very rare only happened once). This child would also likely succumb to insanity by receiving too much power at a young age. After the ninth generation of dual human pairings, it is no longer possible to have a kitsune child.

Assorted Info

  • While Exodia created kitsune in volume, they also created a small number of semi-aetherials based on other creatures during their diabolical experimentation.

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