Northern Raevelic Plains

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Revision as of 23:42, 3 October 2021 by Blanclour (talk | contribs) (Politics and Demographics)
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TODO Upper Raevelic Plains

Amestria Exodius R UpperRaevelicPlainsOpt.jpg




describe the overall characteristics of the land, also describe flora and fauna

Politics and Demographics

todo describe nations and politics present, create a new demographics grid template

Lower Raevelic Plains Demographics
Human 74%

The Northern Raevelic Plains Region was largely undeveloped for many centuries after the fall of exodia, and to this day remains one of the less populated regions controlled by humanity. The region is considered one of the prime targets for development within the Kingdom of Rivera, and has already seen the recent development of extensive farmland and mines and mines along the Cascadian Mountain Range as well as many migrants from further south.

Aesiri 12%

Part of the region lies under Elin'Torai control. As a result, there is a significant aesiri presence in the area. Most of the elves are located in the towns of Ael'Shirath and Elu'Shai, however aesiri can also be found within the Raevelon Province conducting business with humans. Most of the elves living in the two towns are in rural occupations, with very little infrastructure currently in place.

Vampire 6%

Vampires in the royal province are few in number and keep their movements well hidden. Constant surveillance by vampire hunters has made the region very dangerous for any vampire whom is not associated with the black market. A large concentration of noble vampires in the area has made the region very important to vampiric society.

Other 8%

The lower plains marks the heartland of the Kingdom of Rivera, and hosts a variety of races from across Amestria. Dwarves and Aesiri are the most common, followed by Sylfae and the occasional Centaur. There are even some Fairies living here.

Notable Locations


La Porte

Forte Knoxia


