Island of Khaz'Merith

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Amestria Island KhazMerithOpt.jpg



describe the overall characteristics of the land, also describe flora and fauna

Politics and Demographics

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Khaz'Merith Demographics
Dwarf 98%

Dwarves make up almost the entire population the the island, having colonized it around 567 AE. The majority of dwarves are artisans and craftsmen, however there is also a significant number of miners and farmers. Merchants tend to always be away from the island, conducting transactions with other nations.

Yu'Lorei 2%

A number of Yu'Lorei have moved to the island to assist the dwarves in their efforts. The population as a whole is very tight knit and tends to stick together in order to cope with the foreign environment.

Other 0%

The dwarves have kept the island relatively free of other races, aside from occasional Yu'Lorei. This is mainly due to all the metallurgic and technological secrets which the dwarves possess, they are very concerned with other nations stealing their secrets and have taken measures to avoid such instances.

Notable Locations

City of Thandolin