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Pronunciation You-lor-ay / Lor-ee
Archetype Elven
Nicknames Lori, Machine Elves, Cultured Elves, Spice Elves, Ashen Elves
Languages Common (Change Later)
Vampiric Conversion Possible
Aetherial Affinity Level 1 - Very Hard to Cast Magic
Roleplay Difficulty Hard
Racial Traits
Aetheriality Physical
Max Age 200 Years
Strengths Intelligent, Creative, Social
Weaknesses Social Dependence, Hypothermic
Height 5' Homogeneous
Weight 90 to 180 lbs
Eye Colors Green, Blue, Lilac, Purple, Brown
Hair Colors White
Skin Tones Gray
Average Physique Slender to Athletic
Aetherial Limit Class 1 Alpha
Significant Demographics

While this doesn't mean your character has to come from one of these places, it's recommended they do.

A highly spirited race of elves who hail from the tropical island of Ae'Tezan. While "Yu'Lorei" is often used to describe the race, most people refer to them by their endearing nickname "lori". These elves enjoy a largely decadent lifestyle, and are characterized by their gray skin and exclusively white hair. An incredibly social people, Lori crave interaction with others and especially their own kind. They share a bond between their peers that is rarely understood by outsiders, however those bonds are not exclusive towards their own kind. These elves often make the best of friends, being very easygoing while also never dull. Yu'Lorei enjoy the benefit of being more intelligent then almost any other race, which has lead to numerous innovations and groundbreaking technologies. Their genius is often paired with culture and art, as lori absolutely love to express themselves in the most flamboyant manner possible. However not all is bliss within lori society, dark secrets and ancient prophecies foretold by their ancestors of yore have yet to be fulfilled. It remains to be seen if the Yu'Lorei will ascend to greatness in the world, or if their own blessings turn into a curse as the Night of the Dark Star inevitably approaches.

Physical Characteristics

Yu'Lorei are an interesting bunch, as there are several key aspects that make them very different from other elven races. Their most noticeable feature is exclusively gray skin and white hair, and it would not be the first time that lori have been mocked for all looking the same. In fact both male and female lori share the same average height of 5 feet, making it even more difficult to tell them apart. Add this to the fact that both male and female lori tend to share similar facial complexions while the males have a fairer physique then most other races, and you have a recipe for utter confusion. Surprisingly, lori can easily tell each other apart and can recognize even the most distant of acquaintances almost immediately. Yu'Lorei eye colors are a little less predictable, often coming in flavors such as green, blue, lilac, purple, hazel, and brown. In some incredibly rare instances they might even have silver eyes, a trait often associated to having a strong connection with the aetherial field. Lori are particularly strong compared to other elven races, whose average strength is equivalent with that of humans. Like other elven races, lori fall under Elven Physiology, meaning they won't visually age past full maturity and will not accumulate excess body fat. Most lori can only live up to 200 years, the shortest lifespan of any elven race. A very strange quirk that lori have is their excellent dark vision, while also being perfectly comfortable perceiving bright environments as well. Possibly a lori's biggest weakness is their vulnerability to the cold. Any lori that isn't bundled head to toe in extremely thick winter garments is at risk of dying of hypothermia in temperatures that normally would pose no risk to other races.

Mental Characteristics

Yu'Lorei are best described as incredibly sensual, expressive, and intelligent. Despite the logical capabilities of their mind, everything a lori does comes from their heart. Most lori have a hard time lying, it's usually against their internal moral code and likely a tool that has contributed to their strong cohesion as a group. Lori have a hard time dealing with loneliness, and need regular social interaction to stay healthy. Leave them alone for more then two weeks, and they will likely lose their sanity completely. They also have a hard time holding back their emotions, which tend to gush forth like a raging river. Everyone has seen that one lori in the streets weeping uncontrollably, they simply can't help themselves and if they don't have an emotional support group will likely continue weeping for a while yet. Their feelings of happiness also are explosive, and can result in the spontaneous formation of parties and celebrations. Lori favor words over actions and if they are angry you will never hear the end of their temper, but you can relax knowing they will usually never get physical unless they are seriously ticked off. Many things considered taboo among other races do not bother lori the same way, if even at all. They love body contact, it's even been observed that a lori derives significantly more pleasure from hugs then anyone else, an important finding among scholars. This could do well to explain their eroticism, along with why there are very few boundaries between the genders (they hardly even care if they are naked). Most of the time this simply means that they are attracted to each other like magnets, forming deep social attachments. All lori have a natural aversion to wrongdoing, a result of a powerful shame mechanism in the recesses of their mind. When they do something they know is wrong, it places an enormous burden on their mind and they are very likely to seek forgiveness or punishment in order to set their mind at ease. Most lori can hardly feel the aetherial field at all, and this has resulted in them caring very little about magic and instead favoring progress in other disciplines that utilize their powerful mind.


The origins of dark elves leads to the tales of seafaring explorers encountering them while sailing in the Exodian Sea. They were considered mysterious and were thought to bring good fortune upon those who encountered them. They made their first connection to the continent of Exodius when the Kingdom of Rivera made a trade with travelling dwarf merchants from the Island of Thandolin. The dwarf merchants had sold intricate small trinkets capable of keeping track of time to a wealthy merchant who lived within the Kingdom of Rivera. These 'clocks' proved to be a very profitable item within the kingdom, and it did not take long for the king himself to demand where these devices had come from. The wealthy merchant referred the king to the dwarf merchants, whom a decade later had returned. The dwarves were hesitant to divulge the origins of their goods, but the king ultimately offered considerable wealth to them. The dwarves accepted the deal and told them of an island in the Exodian Sea where the goods had come from.

The Island of Ae'Tezan is a large post-volcanic landmass located in the Southwestern Exodian Sea. Abundant in resources, the dark elves have lived here for millennia. They claim to have originated from the Exodius Continent, and migrated to the island thousands of years ago. There are no dark elven ruins or traces on the Exodius Continent however, so their claims are still under investigation by historical societies. The dark elves have since provided all their historical accounts to the various historical societies of Amestria.

Dark Elven History

Dark elves are said to have migrated to the Island of Ae'Tezan thousands of years ago, and made the island their permanent home. Over many centuries the elves transitioned from a tribal society living in thatch huts to a sprawling civilization nestled at the base of the island's volcanic mountains. Over the years they have dug mining tunnels through every mountain, and have farmed every open plain on the island. They constructed sailing vessels and rediscovered the Exodius Continent, even establishing trade with kitsune villages during the clan wars period. Their connection to the feudal kitsune villages was severed after the clan wars approached it's climax and the villages they traded with were destroyed. Some kitsune have been integrated into dark elven society, in fact there are more kitsune living in Ae'Tezan then there are on the entire Exodius Continent.

Around the same period of time, the dark elves established contact with the Dwarven Island Kingdom of Thandolin. Trade was quickly established between the two races. The dwarves would provide raw materials, while the dark elves would provide countless goods made from said materials. Dwarves are known to all as masters of brewing, and dark elves society fully benefits from a broad assortment of exotic alcoholic beverages provided by the dwarves.

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Yu'Loran society is defined by the strong social bonds between each and every lori. There is no concept of aristocracy within the lori mind, who are far too empathetic and emotionally conscious to deprive their peers of material wealth. The fundamental need for lori to socialize on a daily basis has resulted in many different kinds of venues being born to fulfill their needs. From humble auditoriums to opulent bath houses, the lori have it all. In fact the concept of a restaurant was first coined by the lori. A phenomenon within lori society is the fact there are no strangers. Lori are incredibly friendly and trusting of others even if they don't know anything about them, it is only after substantial social interaction that they begin to form an opinion. Lori do not take well to being mistreated or cheated. If you mistreat or cheat a lori, know that everyone they know will know by tomorrow morning. These elves have a strong passion for art and culture in general, often imbuing every possible thing with their own cultural flair. There are laws in lori society, but they are mostly there to remind the elves of what they already know. When rules are broken, lori society takes a reformative approach rather then outright punishing the individual. There have been cases where punishment was necessary, but it is very rare due to the psychology of the lori mind.


The Island of Ae'Tezan is ruled by a council of elders that are elected on the basis of skill. Because there are so many different professions, council meetings tend to be quite long and follow a vaguely democratic setting. Outcomes are not based on majority consensus, but rather the proposed law or ordinance is deliberated over by the council until changes to the proposition are made to satisfy the whole council. This incredibly inefficient process has forced the government apparatus to remain a very small part of lori society, with most political transactions occurring between local lori and not involving the council unless necessary. In a way this has allowed lori civilization to flourish locally, but with the consequence of paying no mind to the greater picture.

The Island of Ae'Tezan is allied to the dwarven Kingdom of Thandolin. The dwarves make great trade partners, providing countless variations of alcoholic brews and metallic alloys in exchange for the intricate crafted goods that lori are renowned for making. The dwarves also play a major role in the defense of Ae'Tezan, with mighty armored dwarven vessels often found moored in the ports. The elves give a substantial amount of free goods to these dwarven vessels for staying within Ae'Tezan borders, which mutually benefits both parties.

The existence of Yu'Lorei was completely unknown until the last century when the Kingdom of Rivera discovered the elves through a trade transaction with a dwarven merchant ship. Therefore there has been little time for human nations to establish formal relations or agreements with the elves.


Often described as party animals, lori are well known for their love of celebrations. Lori culture has an unending list of holidays in which there are feasts and festivals, and they always find a reason to turn a seemingly normal event into an outright celebration. A lori will bring their family, friends, cousins, acquaintances, and anyone on the street that happens to be standing there. Celebrations are full of colorful decorations and free gifts courtesy of the many artisans who attend the events, and many artists capture the moment to be forever immortalized in paintings and sculptures.

Lori architecture consists of countless domes, spires, columns, and arches, all possible with their invention of concrete. Buildings oftentimes have sculpted plaster walls with intricate scenes and patterns embedded on them. Their fully featured aqueduct system in their main cities on the island of Ae'Tezan allow for waterfalls, fountains, and canals to be implemented into the design of their city. While the primary material lori use is concrete, it's usually accompanied by intricate brickwork which form incredible architectural patterns.

The excessive use of seasonings has given lori the nickname of 'spice elves'. The notion of eating foods straight from the ground is absurd in lori culture, and you will never find a vegetable or fruit on a dish that hasn't been sliced, decorated, or modified in some way. Most foods are placed in carefully constructed patterns that create a form of art, accompanied by dishes of perfectly symmetrical or planned asymmetrical patterns. Access to additional food types has widened the lori palette in recent years, but the core of their diet revolves around the tropical bounty of their island home. Coconuts, oranges, avocados, peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers are just a few personal favorites for many of the elves. Fermented foods are also common, courtesy of the dwarves.

When it comes to Yu'Lorei fashion, one might wonder how it's possible for the elves to create so much variety with so little cloth. The tropical climate has kept clothing thin and revealing. Women usually have a short skirt and a top that only covers their bust, while males typically only wear kilts. These garments are immaculately decorated with strands of beads that hang down from the main garment, and rich colorful threads forming vibrant patterns. There are more then just beads which hang from their garments, with intricately carved miniature wooden totems that usually represent a lost family member or an ancestor also hanging from their clothes. In some cases they might have a narrow band of colorful cloth streaming diagonally over their chest when they attend celebrations or during leisure hours.

Lori are open and playful when expressing their affection. Rather then wait for the right time to tell their crush, they usually say so right away and even tease them about it. It is safe to say that lori have sensitive emotions and it wouldn't be the first time that a perfectly innocent encounter leads to disappointment and someone quickly running away while crying. Interracial couples should take great care, lori are easily heartbroken and can be considered very high maintenance.


Yu'Lorei are not known for being competitive, most of the time. One of the many ways in which the elves burn off any competitive feelings they have with others is through organized competitions that have been dubbed 'sports'. The most common sport the elves participate in is a game in which there is a rectangular court and at opposing ends there is a disc with a hole in the center. Eight total players on two opposing teams compete to keep a rubber ball from touching the ground and ultimately try to get the ball to fly through the opposing team's disc to score points. The players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands and usually use their elbows, hips, chest, and head to hit the ball. The sport is a sensation and there are many onlookers who cheer for their favored team, which usually has a friend of their's participating in it. While there is such a thing as rivalries, lori are respectful to their opponents and a lot of the time players on opposing teams are friends and usually joke about the game after the fact.




The lori have used their extensive knowledge of masonry and concrete to build aqueducts on the Island of Ae'Tezan which carry water from hot springs high in the tropical mountains down into their city. These aqueducts give the elves running water to most major structures, and even most restaurants and bath houses. Some parts of the city have open showers for the elves to quickly wash off before entering buildings, and other areas have waterfalls, fountains, and canals. One might say that this infrastructure has allowed the lori to become one of the most hygienic races in Amestria, who never miss out on a chance to bathe or take a shower while chatting with friends.


The term restaurant was coined by none other then the Yu'Lorei. One of the elves' favorite activities is going out to restaurants with their friends or family to partake in eating meals prepared by skilled chefs. These establishments are decorated to impress and attract customers, competing by constantly improving their presentation or their recipes. This has led to a seemingly endless variety of different prepared foods, with a few unique to a single restaurant in order to stand out among the many others. A large assortment of brews imported from the Kingdom of Thandolin can be found in every establishment and is an important part of attracting customers. There is an area in every restaurant with simple beds for drunk elves to be placed when they pass out, and the more drunken lori a restaurant has the more attractive their business. Unlike many other races, lori don't get violent when they are drunk, but rather have a heightened sense of humor.

Bath Houses

Bath houses are considered the pinnacle of Yu'Loran leisure, offering for more then a simple bath. A bath house usually consists of a circular or square building with an open center where a large pool resides. The pool is fed from naturally occurring hot springs frequently present on the island. The elves also boil water scented with oils to make the bath more luxurious. There are rocks and small plants embedded within the bath to give it a more scenic look, however some baths instead sport colorful and attractive masonry. Bath houses are public locales and the participants are always nude while in the bath, usually with a towel close by for when they are ready to dry off. The baths are mixed and both genders share the same pool, however they are expected to follow moral guidelines and not act improperly during the bath. There is a wooden lattice that acts as a shelf where the elves can store their clothes for retrieval after the bath. The bath also has a raised platform next to it where a group of bards will sing and play music for the occupants of the bath. It is common courtesy to be quieter then normal while in the bath so that the bard's music can be heard. There is another room connected to the bath where the occupants can get a full massage with fragrant oils after the bath before they dawn their garments and leave the building. Some bath houses also have a restaurant connected to them, where occupants can enjoy lavish meals after their bathing experience. There are travelers among other races that inevitably find themselves trying the baths, having ventured far just for the experience. This is usually accompanied by many curious looks from the native lori and great embarrassment from the outsider.

This lore was inspired by Japanese public bathing and is not meant to incite a deliberately inappropriate atmosphere.

Night of the Dark Star

There is an ancient prophecy among the Yu'Lorei which dates back to a time before their recorded history. The origin of the prophecy is unknown, it is speculated to have originated from a random lori several thousands of years ago. Many believe that the prophecy is the indirect reason why the lori progressed beyond their primitive tribal existence on the island and embraced a more civilized lifestyle, however others disagree saying that the main component was their own ingenuity and inquisitive nature and not because of some prophecy. Scholars have translated the prophecy into common for all Amestrians to read:

"Grand gifts you shall hath bestowed upon you, o' Yu'Lorei of elvish kin. But beware the day of your gifts becoming burdens and your efforts becoming meaningless, for a star of the night fast approaches. Prepare and you may yet survive, fail and thus by the might of the dark star your people will be scattered to all corners of the world. In distant lands you will reside, and for many millennia you will never see the promise of reunification. Prepare, and prosper. Do not fail o' elvish kin, for the price it too terrible to recompense."



The Yu'Lorei do not have a formal military, and hardly have any militant facilities at all. A lack of conflict throughout Yu'Loran history has made the race particularly susceptible to attacks and the general malice of other races. Luckily their island remains distant to the warmongering kingdoms of the Exodius Continent, making them a low priority target. It is believed that their alliance with the dwarves of Thandolin have contributed to the lack of aggression the elves have received from other nations. Lori are definitely capable of producing weapons of ingenious design, but only when commissioned by another race.


The lori economy on the Island of Ae'Tezan is surprisingly stable, likely due to the communal nature of lori when it comes to material wealth. Any accumulation of wealth in the hands of one lori usually ends up in several other lori's hands quickly. Lori don't see a need to accumulate any substantial wealth since they would rather share it with others, and fail to see consequence if they actually do run out of wealth. The empathetic nature of lori lends to phenomenal amounts of charity, so even if a lori goes broke they are usually not in any danger unless the rest of lori society hates them (which is impossible). The majority of lori are artisans, however in earlier times there was a far greater number of laborers due to the unavailability of imported resources from the dwarves and other nations.


What once started as a need to exercise the lori mind has evolved into a passion to innovate and impress. Lori naturally look between the cracks, and search for the things that no one else has thought of. One could say they are incredibly bored if they do not use the full power of their mind. This has resulted in them surpassing every other race in terms of technological achievement. Some discoveries such as cement, concrete, and porcelain have given rise to long lasting improvements in their society. Other discoveries such as clocks and rubber, were likely a result of someone being very bored and having a lot of time on their hands. Their home island of Ae'Tezan is full of watermills, windmills, and other mechanical constructs that automate menial tasks. A recent discovery is the apparent utility of steam power, which most folks assumed was simply a hot mist that came off of boiling water. Despite every lori's interest in new ideas, they never stick with something for too long, moving on to the next innovation once they have succeeded at what they had originally envisioned. Most believe that lori are more occupied with enjoying their decadent lifestyle then trying to get ahead of the competition with new discoveries. If lori are forced to truly innovate, no one knows if they would buckle under the stress, or surpass even the most powerful of human nations.




  • Some lori have ventured into cold climates for the sake of expanding their knowledge of the world. Some people have described them as 'adorable' when bundled up in countless layers of winter clothing.
  • The dwarves of Thandolin have taken a liking to the Yu'Lorei and they visit Ae'Tezan often, but they can never quite get over the lori's open eroticism.
  • Disagreements and conflict does happen occasionally in lori society, but they feel so guilty afterwords that they usually make amends and forget that it ever happened.

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